
    Scarlette : is constantly tapping their foot, shaking their desk; isn’t afraid to raise their hand to answer, even if their response is stupid or incorrect; overall energetic and loud; LOVES the games you play in class and takes them super seriously

    Lewis : more laid back; raises hand occasionally and is more serious about things; cracks a few jokes once in a while; hangs out with friends; really nice and sooooo cute

    Benga : ALWAYS raises hand; tries to teach their classmates; sucks up to the teacher; knows practically everything; is the best student in the class

    Omen : falls asleep once or twice; keeps coffee on hand at all times; keeps class light-hearted; laughs a lot with friends; participates the average amount; teachers naturally love them; is super cute and dressed adorably

    Cinder: loud in the halls with friends; loves to have fun; talks to everybody; raises hand the average amount; possibly THE loudest in the classroom (in competition with Scarlette); flirts

    Scarlette : likes to have fun but also likes to work and get things accomplished; usually has homework done; strives for A’s, isn’t afraid to argue if they think the answer is wrong; dresses hella nice

    Omen : sweet to lots of people; friendly towards teachers; has the right balance of fun and work; is super cute every day

    Eltic : is very opinionated about the subjects; usually talks to most everybody; can have a resting “I don’t care” face, but actually really enjoys school and learning; gets into debates SOOOOO aggressively

    Holly : may interrupt the teacher (and get in trouble for it); is veeerrryyyy sleepy; loves getting competitive over study games or gym or whatever; haves fun; loud

    Benga : takes school pretty seriously; writes notes; does well in every single assignment; puts extra effort in; EXCELS in debates; opinionated about certain topics, but doesn’t let it get to the point where it’s super rude

    Eltic : super abstract and insightful; teachers usually love them; provides some of the strangest yet most interesting comments and input in class discussions; may look like they aren’t paying attention, but if you dare, test them and they are DEAD FOCUSED

    Storm : sweet and friendly; probably loves to wear spirit wear; doodles in the margins of EVERYTHING; likes to contribute but gets embarrassed if their answer is wrong


    Edan : *tries negotiating with the teacher for an A*

    Holly : *peeking over someone's shoulder*

    Benga : *befriends all the smart people*

    Storm : *cries after looking at the first question*

    Cinder : *Makes jokes constantly*

    Lewis : *is speeding through their test even though they don't know shit*

    Cinder : *takes a quick nap*

    Holly : *is writing 666 on their notes 666 times*

    Scarlette : *trying to get the class hyped up*

    Eltic : *is in the restroom avoiding class*

    Holly : *walks around the class for a tissue trying to sneak a peek at someone's test*


    Eowang Squad As Thoughts During School

    Scarlette : If this bitch doesn't shut the fuck up this whole classroom is going to feel my wrath

    Edan : I wonder if I could sue the school for trying to poison me with this cardboard pizza

    Holly : I wonder when my teacher lost their virginity

    Lewis : Whoever invented school needs a high five in the face with a fucking brick

    Eltic : I could just get up and leave right now, no one can stop me why the fuck am i still here?!?!

    Eltic : There's only (random number) days left until summer

    Eltic : I can't wait to graduate so i never have to deal with these dumb fucks ever again

    Cinder : Fuck this shit i'm gonna be famous anyway

    Eltic : Oh my god who the hell cares

    Edan : I'm surrounded by idiots

    Scarlette : How much trouble would i get in if i slapped a bitch? Probably a lot, but it's worth it.

    Benga : Do girls really think that wearing three pounds of makeup makes them look attractive? Or are they just going for the look that matches their personality

    Storm : Everythings is fine... WAIT THERE WAS HOMEWORK ? WHAT


    Eowang Squad as things people have said in School

    Holly : hey if I died right now do you think I'd still have to do my exams in hell

    Eltic : chemistry can kiss my fat ass

    Storm : I'm gonna die a virgin who can't drive, can't swim and can't apply the cosine rule

    Eltic : (when asked what we should do to avoid having this test) maybe if we stay still he won't notice us and he'll think that nobody's here

    Holly : I think murder in a science lab should be legal if you end up with a moronic partner

    Scarlette : Look all I know is I was blazing it and then it started blazing me and I had to take the bus home with my shirt half burned off. It looked cool though

    Benga : if I finish all these biology notes in my next free period I think I'll have time to go home and watch every single Star Wars movie

    Cinder : it's a fucking conspiracy. How can every single science teacher that ever taught me since year 7 just leave school like that... Something's up

    Cinder : (why weren't you paying attention)I was thinking about how Drake would say xylem


    The eowang Squad Studying for Finals

    Edan : working diligently and quickly, getting everything done but still not feeling A-worthy

    Benga : studies for a while, talks for a while, studies for a while, stares into space for a while, ...

    Eltic : studies hard but is constantly groaning and cursing life

    Storm : tries to study but gets so nervous about studying and the actual test that they don't really study

    Scarlette : thinks they don't need to study so they just kind of goof off and decide to wing it

    Benga : *erases entire page of notes because their handwriting didn't look good*

    Holly : studying??? lol???? what's that???

    Holly : distracting everyone by making them laugh and cracking jokes

    Lewis : trying to work, but gets distracted every once in a while by talking to people

    Esias : so focused on the paper that the whole goddamn world could explode and they would still be memorizing what asymptotes are

    Cinder : studying for a while but gets distracted by Holly and engages in strange humor talk

    Cinder : actually tries but eventually finds their sketchbook and starts drawing Pepe to perfection


    Eowang Squad During a Fire Alarm at School

    Edan - m'kay

    Eltic - YES. NO LESSON.

    Benga - Wait, let me just finish writing this

    Teacher: Everyone leave your stuff.

    Omen : Oh hell naw *grabs everything*

    Cinder - Woohoooo *hyper*

    Lewis - Follows the school safety routine calmly

    Holly - *sings some crazy song to the beat of the alarm*

    Benga - Damn it this lesson was acc really interesting

    Fergus - Is it everyday fire alarm?


    Scarlette - Wait, what’s happening?




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  • -Inspiré des "The Zodiac sign as..." de Tumblr-


    Playing a video game

    Screaming into the mic or just screaming: Scarlette, Eltic, Holly

    Lol I died time to restart level 1: Lewis

    I almost did my homework then I saw my gaming console: Cinder, Benga


    Eowang Squad as "Legend of Zelda" characters. 

    Eltic : Link

    Scarlette : Tetra

    Lewis : Sheik

    Benga : Navi

    Edan : Ganondorf

    Storm : Zelda

    Esias : Fi

    Cinder : Impa

    Omen : Malon

    Holly : Skull kid

    Holly : Midna



    Eowang Squad as masks from ‘Majora’s mask’

    Lewis : Deku mask

    Scarlette : Goron mask

    Fergus : Gibdo mask

    Storm : Stone mask

    Edan : All-Night Mask

    Omen : Couple's Mask

    Esias : Mask of Truth 

    Holly : Majora's Mask

    Holly : Fierce Deity's Mask

    Benga : Keaton Mask

    Eltic : Zora mask

    Cinder : Bunny hood


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  • -Inspiré des "The Zodiac sign as..." de Tumblr-


    Holly : *in the front* gUyS comE On why are you so SLOW

    Lewis : *is lowkey shaking while waiting in line to enter*

    Eltic : *tries to make funny jokes with the characters but every knows they are peeing their pants*


    Holly : *thinks to self* wow do you know how fun working here would be

    Holly : *acts like they aren’t scared at all and laughs when someone attempts to scare them but SCREAMS when the clown pops out*

    Storm : *character pops out* LEAVE ME ALoNE YOU MONSTER *swings*

    Storm : *high pitched screams* oh what ha I didn’t scream nope…heh heh…that was definitely Cinder who screamed

    Cinder : *is actually amazed by the special effects, makeup, and setting, too busy observing to truly be scared*

    Cinder : *sees baby doll* awwww look at that little baby *cannibal eats baby doll* NO WHAT WHY ARE YOU EATING THE BABY YOU SICK CREATURE GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE



    Holly : Not afraid of anything, probably befriends the ghost. 

    Storm : Crying on the floor

    Storm : extremely jumpy, doesn't trust anything, ghosts favorite target.

    Cinder : Leaves coloring books out and ends up coloring with the ghost.

    Scarlette : Fights the ghost, has Ghostbusters theme playing in their head. 

    Benga : Tries to make peace with ghost, gets launched out window.

    Holly : Keeps scaring everyone more by pretending to be the ghost, but is also doing Hella amount of research on the location at the same time.

    Scarlette : The ghost fears them, the ghost leaves instead of be in their presence. 

    Lewis : Pushed down the stairs and set off all the traps by accident.

    Eltic : Is the calmest out of everyone, but screaming internally the whole time. Probably summoned the ghost in the first place.


    6 commentaires

    Eltic quand il entend le mot "dieu" ou " religion : 


    Eltic à chaque fois qu'il voit ou parle a Stun :


    Holly en voyant Stun pour la première fois depuis son renvoi de la MAHS :


    Holly et Lewis à peu près tout le temps : 


    Encore une journée normale pour Holly et Lewis : 


    Quand Eltic entend des gens de la MAHS dire que c'est merveilleux de travailler ici : 


    La relation Eltic/Benga et Edan/Cinder : 


    Quand les gens disent que Eltic fait tout le temps la gueule : 


    Ce moment ou Benga a demandé à Eltic si il dormait : 


    "Et sinon vous faites quoi vous dans la vie ?"

    Holly : 


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