
    Lewis : Should I be concerned?

    Holly : [dragging a body bag up the stairs] Nope.


    Holly : honestly, i’m just so evil. so full of darkness.

    Holly : i feed off the souls of the living!

    Holly : i strike fear-

    Lewis : you sleep with a pink teddy bear name Peppermint.



    Storm : Did you just push Edan ?

    Scarlette : No

    Storm : It looks like you did! 

    Scarlette : I just gave him a high five with my entire body


    Cinder : You’re Edan ?

    Edan : Yeah.

    Cinder : The Edan of the Royal Family ?

    Edan : No, just a regular Edan; didn’t you hear I come in six packs?


    Lewis : There’s three ways to do things; the right way, the wrong way, and the Holly way!

    Cinder : Isn’t that the wrong way ?

    Lewis : Yeah, but faster.


    Sigmund : Holly ! you tracked mud all over the carpet

    Holly : Now that right there is a mess!

    Sigmund : I just had it cleaned yesterday

    Holly : I’m not responsable for this, I’ve been making potion all morning

    Sigmund : They are clearly your foot prints 

    Holly : Then there’s an imposter on the loose


    Holly : clue number one: The imposter is a phantom 


    Holly : I have an idea.

    Lewis : We're not going to murder anyone.

    Holly : I have no ideas.


    Storm : Hey.

    Cinder : Hey?

    Storm : I can’t sleep.

    Cinder : I can. Goodnight. 


    Holly : Dear Santa

    Holly : I'm writing to let you know that I've been naughty.

    Holly : And it was worth it, you fat, judgmental bastard.


    Storm : Cinder, you stay positive. You always believe that everything is going to work out. How do you do it?

    Cinder : Well, I’ll tell you my secret ! 

    Cinder : I lie to myself. Every morning, when I wake up, I tell myself "everything’s going to be OK", but I’M LYING. And I don’t know… how much longer… I can do it. *strained inhale* *cheery smile* Have a swell night, Storm!” *strolls off whistling* 



    2 commentaires

    Lewis : Holly, is this legal?

    Holly : When there’s no cops around, anything’s legal!


    Eltic : Why is Lewis crying?

    Holly : He took one of those ‘Which Eowang character are you like?’ quizzes…

    Eltic : Oh man, who’d he get?

    Holly : …Me 


    Cinder : We have fun, don't we Storm ?

    Storm : I have never been more stressed out in my entire life 


    Edan : I love you

    Storm : I love you too

    Cinder : *squealing* YES! Keep loving each other!


    Stun : I'm not laughing. I haven't laughed since my wife died.

    Isabelle : Wh-Why did you laugh when your wife died ?


    Benga : Eltic, I had a long day…

    Eltic : You know what else is long? My di-



    Stun : I’m going to ask you to be respectful here.

    Eltic : I will politely decline. 


    *talking about Benga* 

    Eltic : I’m dating this guy who's 6’5.

    Scarlette : ooh, nice. Is he hot?

    Eltic : I don't know. He 6’5. I’ve never seen his face yet. 


    Holly : I’m always dtf.

    Lewis : [concerned look]

    Holly : Down to fight.

    Lewis : [concerned look intensifies] 


    Eltic : This is my "I don't care" face.

    Benga: That's your normal face.



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    Holly : I just ended a five year relationship

    Lewis : Are you okay?

    Holly : It’s okay it wasn’t my relationship


    Lewis : I just got a new notebook, what should I put in it?

    Holly : Put spaghetti in it.

    Lewis : I’m taking suggestions from anyone else.

    Cinder : Put spaghetti in it.

    Lewis : I’m taking suggestions from anyone except you two.

    Scarlette : Put spaghetti in it.

    Lewis : I’m no longer taking suggestions.


    Lewis : Holly will come up with a plan.

    Storm : That’s good. Right?

    Lewis : Possibly you’re not recalling some of her previous plans.



    Eltic : *groaning* It’s too early for this.



    Esias : Oh my god neither of those are dinosaurs and there’s 145 million years separating them both, this conversation is a palaeontological disaster


    Eltic : Do you guys always disagree like this?


    Edan :  Not always.

    Scarlette :  Always. 


    Lewis : I mean come on, let’s just hug it out. Come on, hug it out.

    Lewis, Eltic, Scarlette, Cinder, Storm, Benga, Edan Holly and Esias : [struggle into a group hug]

    Benga : Who took my wallet?

    Holly : Sorry.


    Scarlette : What’s the worst that could happen?

    Storm : Humiliation.

    Lewis : Embarrassment.

    Edan : Fire.

    Eltic : Explosions.

    Esias : Collisions.

    Benga : Tears.

    Cinder : Nudity.

    Holly : And death.


    Lewis : Why are you doing this?

    Holly : Because I’m bored, it’s funny, and I hate you. There you are. The holy trinity of why. 


    Stun : Ladies and gentleman, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld!

    Eltic : A llama?

    Stun : No.

    Isabelle : A baby llama?

    Stun : (scoffs) No!

    Benga : A baby llama with a little hat on?

    Stun : (angerier) NO!


    Stun : That information is classified.

    Isabelle : Stun, I am begging you, just tell us what you want for Christmas.



    8 commentaires

    Storm : I’M DYING!

    Cinder : You’re fine, you just have a cold.

    Storm : I SAID I’M DYING


    Storm : So salt is a weapon now ? 

    Cinder : I didn't know Scarlette was a weapon.


    *Watching Scarlette and Edan argue*

    Storm : This is bad.

    Cinder : I know.

    Cinder : I wish we had popcorn.


    Holly :  I never brag.

    Lewis : You once called your face the proof of God’s existence.


    Cinder : I can make literally anything sound positive.

    Holly : Your house just burned down and you lost all your money in the stock market.

    Cinder : It's a chance to start over. Fire is cleansing and true wealth is measured by the amount of love in your life.


    Scarlette : So, what’s the plan? We go in there and just pow, pow, pow! And pick up the hostages?

    Cinder : What was that noise?

    Scarlette : gun fire.

    Cinder : No, Scarlette, I think you mean pew pew pew.

    Scarlette : That sounds like fire works.

    Holly : Technically, they are like pa-choo, pa-choo, pa-choo.

    Storm : Ok enough with the bad sound effects. Besides it’s more like blam, blam, blam.

    Cinder : What?

    Scarlette : No way.

    Holly : Wrong.

    Edan : Guys, focus.


    Lewis : Let me talk this time

    Holly : Why?

    Lewis : Because when you talk, bad stuff happens.


    Storm : Has anyone ever told you you've got anger issues?

    Scarlette : I prefer to call it leadership skills.


    Holly : I have a plan.

    Lewis : It can’t involve manipulating people.

    Holly : I don’t have a plan.


    Scarlette : *loses Edan in a crowd*

    Scarlette : Thank goodness 


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    Eltic : wow the stars are beautiful tonight

    Benga : yeah they are

    Eltic : you know who else is beautiful?

    Benga : *blushing* who?

    Eltic : My family.


    Scarlette : You're right, Edan.

    Edan : Wait... Did she say that I was right ?

    Cinder : Yes, she did.


    Stun : Actually, I’m in charge here, in case any of you have forgotten.

    Eltic : No, I remember. I just don’t care.


    Edan : you guys are losers.

    Cinder : why are you sitting with us then?

    Edan : because I have no friends.


    Lewis :  I’m 100% certain that I’m 0% sure of what I’m going to do.


    Storm :  We’re going to die.

    Cinder : Think positive!

    Storm : We’re going to die quickly. 


    Scarlette : Everyone know what they’re doing?

    Storm : In the plan or in general?

    Scarlette : The plan,Storm.

    Storm : Phew.


    Cinder : Do you think pigeons have feelings?

    Edan :  I'm going to give you one more chance to shut the fuck up. 


    Edan : I’d date you.

    Storm : What?

    Edan : I SAID I HATE YOU!! 


    Scarlette : …So I’m right?

    Edan : We both are.

    Scarlette : Just as long as I’m more right than you.



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