
    Lewis : *trying to break into a house with Holly* It’s locked!

    Holly : What do you mean it’s locked?

    Lewis : What do you mean ‘what do I mean’? When I say it’s locked, it’s locked! How many definitions of 'locked’ are there?


    Eltic : “Stun” ? You’re on a first name basis?

    Isabelle : What do you call him?

    Eltic : The bane of my existence. 


    Lewis : Holly ! Be care…

    Holly : *effortlessly takes out several bad guys*

    Lewis : …ful.

    Holly : Did you say something?

    Lewis : No… nevermind.


    Holly : Why do you worry ? 

    Lewis : I don't know, maybe because YOU KILLED SOMEONE IN FRONT OF THREE KIDS.

    Holly : Oh, that.


    Stun : I fucked up.

    Eltic : Given your daily life, you're going to have to be a little bit more specific. 


    Holly : We got a big problem!

    Lewis : We should copyright that phrase.


    Holly : What could possibly go wrong?

    Everyone : We could die.


    Cinder : Would you two stop fighting?

    Edan : We are not fighting. We are having a creative discussion.

    Scarlette : We are too fighting!

    Edan : Creative discussion.

    Scarlette : Fight!

    Edan : Discussion!

    Scarlette : Fight!

    Cinder : I can’t believe you’re actually having a fight about if you’re having a fight! 


    Edan : how much do you love me?

    Scarlette : well, look up at sky and count the stars. That’s how much I love you.

    Edan: But it’s the morning.

    Scarlette : Exactly.


    Cinder : Can you pass me the salt ?

    Storm : *throws Scarlette across the table*


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    Holly : How did you find me?

    Lewis : Oh, I saw a huge explosion and wondered: now, who could that be?


    Lewis : What happened?

    Holly : Well, remember when you told me not to burn down the house?


    Holly : No! I had the fire out almost immediately. This is a success story! 


    Benga : Where’s Eltic, by the way?

    Stun : Somewhere disappointing God. 


    Holly and Lewis : *make something explode*

    Sigmund : *from the other room* What was that?

    Holly and Lewis : NOTHING 


    Lewis and Holly : *locked in a room*

    Holly : Looks like we’re stuck. We’ll have to spend some quality time together.

    Lewis : *banging harder on the door* HELP! 


    Eltic : What are you then? Are you religious ?

    Benga : Yeah, I pray nightly that you’ll stop asking me questions 


    Lewis : Isn’t that unethical?

    Holly : No!

    Lewis : “Unethical” means morally wrong.

    Holly : Oh… then yes. 


    Lewis : Are you decent?

    Holly : Not morally, but I’m wearing pants if that’s what you’re asking.


    Eltic : Here you are, Benga. Nice hot cup of coffee.

    Benga : Oh, it’s cold.

    Eltic : Nice cup of coffee.

    Benga : It’s horrible.

    Eltic : Cup of coffee.

    Benga : I’m not even sure it is coffee.

    Eltic : Cup.


    Holly : Remember the time you dared me to lick the swing set?

    Lewis : No, I said, “Holly, don’t lick the swing set,” and you said, “Don’t tell me what to do” And then you licked the swing set. 



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    Scarlette : Shut up everybody, shut up! Don't move, don't speak, don't breathe, I'm trying to think. Edan, face the other way, you're putting me off.

    Edan : What, my face is?

    Cinder : Everybody, quiet and still.Edan, turn your back.

    Edan : Oh, for God's sake...

    Cinder : Your back! Now, please! 


    Lewis : You have no idea what I’m capable of!

    Holly : Don’t take it personally, but I feel like I’m being threatened by a cupcake.


    Benga : I need your help.

    Eltic : Who are we killing ? Now, I don’t do kids. That’s a rule. But that rule is negotiable if the kid’s a dick


    Scarlette : Lewis, you have a lot to offer someone! You’re funny, you’re smart.

    Eltic : You’re creative, you’ve got style.

    [everyone looks at Holly]

    Holly : Oh, did you want me to say something?

    Holly : You have fur, your name is Lewis.

    Lewis : Thanks, Holly.


    Stun : There is no future. There is no past. Do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.

    Isabelle : All I wanted to know was when your birthday is.


    Edan : Sometimes when we disagree you’re so passionate I feel like I’m arguing with the sun.

    Scarlette : What? That’s totally crazy. I AM SUPER CHILL ALL THE TIME!


    Lewis : Why did you think any of this was a good idea?

    Holly : Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.

    Lewis : …Oh.

    Holly : I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.


    Lewis : You know what? Forget it. I’m not even shocked anymore.

    Holly : Aw, that’s no fun.

    Lewis : This has become the norm for you,Holly.

    Holly : I’ll have to try harder next time.

    Lewis : Please don’t.

    Holly : I feel like I’ve been issued a challenge.


    Lewis : *kicks the door open looking totally panicked*

    Lewis : What did you do?

    Holly : Nobody died!



    Lewis : *to Holly* You screamed “there will be blood!” and punched some random guy in the face.

    Lewis : So, no, we can’t go back to that bar.



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    Lewis : Is it okay if I swear?

    Eltic : Yes, I will allow you to swear.

    Lewis : F…

    Holly : Yes, go on.

    Lewis: I’m nervous.

    [some minutes later]

    Lewis: I think I’m ready now.

    Lewis : Fu…

    Lewis : Fuc…

    Lewis : Fuck…

    Lewis : Fuck

    Lewis : FUCK!


    Scarlette : Calm down, Lewis.

    Lewis : Sorry…


    Lewis : You know what? You’re right! FUCK!


    *After someone insults Holly*

    Lewis : You…You…You rude person!

    Holly : Go easy on him, Lewis.


    Holly : I’m going to stab someone.

    Lewis : Manners, Holly.

    Holly : I’m going to stab someone politely.


    Stun : Do I look like I’m joking?

    Isabelle : You never look like you’re joking.


    Cinder : why can’t dinosaurs clap?

    Storm : because their hands are too sh-

    Edan : because they’re all dead.


    Lewis : Words ending in ‘ie’ are so cute, like 'sweetie’ and 'cookie’.

    Holly : And 'die’.


    Benga : Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.


    Lewis : We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.

    Cinder : Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.

    Lewis: Not when you’re playing with Holly. She puts words like “ephemeral”. And I put “dog”.


    Holly : *over the phone* It’s Holly.

    Lewis : What did she do this time?

    Holly : No, it’s Holly. It’s actually me.

    Lewis : What did you do this time?


    Cinder : Most people are made up of 75% water.

    Cinder : But Scarlette is 75% salt water.

    Scarlette : *in another room* aRE YOU TALKING SHIT AGAIN?!



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    Eltic : Punch me in the face.

    Benga : Punch you?

    Eltic : Yes, punch me, in the face. Didn't you hear me?

    Benga : I always hear "punch me in the face" when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext.


    Lewis : Oh, no. You're getting an idea, aren't you?

    Holly : Yeah.

    Lewis : Is this idea gonna get me in trouble?

    Holly : Maybe.

    Lewis : Is this idea gonna cause me physical pain?

    Holly : Yeah, definitely.


    Cinder : So, how are you feeling lately?

    Scarlette : Well, I've got this headache that comes and goes...

    Edan : *enters the room*

    Scarlette : There it is


    Holly : Your mom’s good at making jokes.

    Lewis : How so ?

    Holly : She made you.


    Holly : Hey, wanna hear a joke ?

    Lewis : Hm ?

    Holly : Your existence.


    Stun : I’m old...

    Isabelle : ...

    Stun : You’re supposed to say “You’re not that old, Stun."

    Isabelle : But you are old. 


    Cinder : Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Edan ?

    Edan : No.

    Storm : I do.

    Cinder : I know, Storm.

    Storm : I'm sad.

    Cinder : I know, Storm. 


    Lewis : Nope. Bad idea.

    Holly : There are no bad ideas,Lewis. Only good ideas that go horribly wrong.


    Edan : I’m sorry, you are-?

    Scarlette : Better than you. 


    Lewis : *referring to mean people* I’m gonna fix this my way. I am going to kill them…

    Holly : *gasps with excitement*

    Lewis : …with kindness.

    Holly : *frowns*


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