
    Storm : I’M DYING!

    Cinder : You’re fine, you just have a cold.

    Storm : I SAID I’M DYING


    Storm : So salt is a weapon now ? 

    Cinder : I didn't know Scarlette was a weapon.


    *Watching Scarlette and Edan argue*

    Storm : This is bad.

    Cinder : I know.

    Cinder : I wish we had popcorn.


    Holly :  I never brag.

    Lewis : You once called your face the proof of God’s existence.


    Cinder : I can make literally anything sound positive.

    Holly : Your house just burned down and you lost all your money in the stock market.

    Cinder : It's a chance to start over. Fire is cleansing and true wealth is measured by the amount of love in your life.


    Scarlette : So, what’s the plan? We go in there and just pow, pow, pow! And pick up the hostages?

    Cinder : What was that noise?

    Scarlette : gun fire.

    Cinder : No, Scarlette, I think you mean pew pew pew.

    Scarlette : That sounds like fire works.

    Holly : Technically, they are like pa-choo, pa-choo, pa-choo.

    Storm : Ok enough with the bad sound effects. Besides it’s more like blam, blam, blam.

    Cinder : What?

    Scarlette : No way.

    Holly : Wrong.

    Edan : Guys, focus.


    Lewis : Let me talk this time

    Holly : Why?

    Lewis : Because when you talk, bad stuff happens.


    Storm : Has anyone ever told you you've got anger issues?

    Scarlette : I prefer to call it leadership skills.


    Holly : I have a plan.

    Lewis : It can’t involve manipulating people.

    Holly : I don’t have a plan.


    Scarlette : *loses Edan in a crowd*

    Scarlette : Thank goodness 


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    Eltic : wow the stars are beautiful tonight

    Benga : yeah they are

    Eltic : you know who else is beautiful?

    Benga : *blushing* who?

    Eltic : My family.


    Scarlette : You're right, Edan.

    Edan : Wait... Did she say that I was right ?

    Cinder : Yes, she did.


    Stun : Actually, I’m in charge here, in case any of you have forgotten.

    Eltic : No, I remember. I just don’t care.


    Edan : you guys are losers.

    Cinder : why are you sitting with us then?

    Edan : because I have no friends.


    Lewis :  I’m 100% certain that I’m 0% sure of what I’m going to do.


    Storm :  We’re going to die.

    Cinder : Think positive!

    Storm : We’re going to die quickly. 


    Scarlette : Everyone know what they’re doing?

    Storm : In the plan or in general?

    Scarlette : The plan,Storm.

    Storm : Phew.


    Cinder : Do you think pigeons have feelings?

    Edan :  I'm going to give you one more chance to shut the fuck up. 


    Edan : I’d date you.

    Storm : What?

    Edan : I SAID I HATE YOU!! 


    Scarlette : …So I’m right?

    Edan : We both are.

    Scarlette : Just as long as I’m more right than you.



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    Lewis : Okay, so the plan is-

    Holly : Wait, we have a plan? Like an actual plan? Oh my god, we never have one of those.

    Lewis, Scarlette Cinder and Storm : ...



    Benga : I thought happiness started with an H, but why does mine start with U?

    Eltic : I think you have dyslexia


    Lewis : Friends don't lie

    Holly : Bitch you thought


    Scartlette : I like Cinder. She’s like the little sister I never had.

    Scarlette : Because the little sister I do have is terrifying.


    Edan : How’s the most beautiful person in the world doing?

    Storm : I don’t know, how-

    Holly : *from across the room* I’m doing great, thanks.


    Storm : I can't go. Stress is bad for the baby.

    Cinder : What baby?

    Storm : Me.


    Isabelle : Are you happy now?

    Stun : I’m never happy


    Scarlette : Edan, my old friend.

    Edan : I think you tried to kill me at some point.

    Scarlette : That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.


    Edan : Tomorrow is garbage day.

    Scarlette : Wow, I can’t believe they have a whole day dedicated to you.


    Scarlette : I need to talk to you.

    Cinder : Okay but In my defence Holly bet me 50 cents that I couldn't drink all that shampoo.

    Scarlette : That's not what I wanted-- you drank shampoo?

    Cinder : What? no. You're the one farting bubbles.



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    Lewis : Hopefully, this situation can't go any worse.

    Holly : Hold my beer.


    Edan : Am I right, Scarlette?

    Scarlette : I'm almost certain you're not, but to be fair, I wasn't listening.


    Benga : Just be yourself. Say something nice.

    Eltic : Which one? I can't do both.


    Lewis : You mean Holly's in trouble, or Holly IS the trouble?

    Sigmund : I mean either she's in trouble, or she's going to be. 


    Scarlette : Guys, in case you’ve already forgotten, Edan is the worst. And that’s not just jealousy talking. I’d say that to his face. *Opens door*

    Edan : I need your help.

    Scarlette : You’re the worst. *Slams door*


    Esias : Wait, you guys kissed?

    Eltic : No!

    Benga : It was a fake-out make-out!

    Esias : Okay, but that still has the words make and out in it.


    Lewis : Who the fuck

    Scarlette : Language !

    Lewis: Whom the fuck-

    Scarlette : No.


    Benga : Could you ever see us as being more than friends?

    Eltic : YES, I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED! I can totally see us as dragons. Hang on, let me find the picture I drew.

    Benga : ...


    Cinder : You remind me of the ocean.

    Scarlette : Why the ocean?

    Cinder : Because you’re salty and you scare people.


    Benga : I've got a date with someone. How do I look?

    Eltic : With your eyes, Benga.

    Benga : This is not the time for your bullshit.



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    Lewis : Don’t break someone’s heart, they only have one.

    Holly : Yeah, break their bones instead, they have 206 of those.


    Stun : Wath your language young man

    Eltic : SUCK A DI-


    Lewis : First of all, why is there a giant whale in our house, second of all WHY ARE YOU RIDING IT LIKE A COWBOY


    Lewis : Fuck

    Everyone : *Shock*

    Holly : *cry* I'm so proud of him.


    Eltic : I have feelings for you.

    Benga : I have feelings for you, too.

    Narrator : The feeling was friendship, but neither had ever experienced it.


    Storm : I’m cold.

    Edan : *takes off his coat* Here, take my jacket.

    Benga: [looks at Eltic] I’m cold, too.

    Eltic : Well, damn, Benga, I can’t control the fucking weather!


    Lewis : You almost set me on fire!

    Holly : But I didn’t.


    Cinder : Tomorrow is another day.

    Storm : Yes, but it might be worse.


    Lewis : Where are you going?

    Holly : To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way.


    Edan : Get your hands off my face! 

    Scarlette : Get your face off my hands!



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